Rain in February


Yesterday morning, looking out of our living room window …


… yes, we`ve had temperatures above 0 degrees Celsius for the last two days!


In front of the store. Time for wearing rubber boots, once again!


Our dogs weren`t too excited about the melting snow, but, as always, in good spirits.


Bruno, 9 months old by now, watching me curiously.

(He is one the two cute little puppies I posted a picture of on my Instagram account, last summer.)


Charlie, who will be 10 years old later this year, still going strong.


We`ve had solid sea-ice for about a month, by now. Yesterday, the ice looked like on a day in the end of May, with melting water on top.

Today, all the water is about to freeze back into solid ice, and the sunlight changes everything.


Winter is coming back, once again!


8 thoughts on “Rain in February

  1. Hello Ruth, this doesn’t look good… Will this be the new “normal”? I followed the Ittoqqortoormiit weather reports, and we’ve read unsettling reports about Spitzbergen in the papers in Norway. It must be very difficult for the dogs, what with getting wet in the cold. Do you have to dry them off? Also, hunting can’t be easy on ice that must be treacherous. It looks like, next week will be colder. Thinking of you much – wishing you well! Jörg

    • Hello Jörg, – well, so far it happens once in a while, every winter. Most of the time, temperatures are still below 0. The dogs were ok this time. I remember, a few years ago, when we had a big rainstorm, the ice broke of at the same time, and the rain combined with strong wind did not feel good for the dogs, for sure. Still, they got through it without our help, extremely though and adaptable as they are. We have never dried them of, but we feed them some more fat, during those harsh times. With best wishes from Ittoqqortoormiit, Ruth

  2. Oplevede engang i 1980’erne at temperaturen steg til plus 5 grader celsius i januar måned. Derefter fulgte en storm, der varede i en uges tid. Jeg har et gammelt foto af det hus jeg boede i, hvor sneen er smeltet af taget og under smeltningen frosset til parallelle istapper, men alle skrå, dvs. ikke lodrette, da det samtidigt blæste kraftigt.

    • Meget interessant at høre at det også kunne blive så varmt, den gang! Nu får vi tøvejr hver vinter, synes jeg, men denne gang blæste det heldigvis ikke alt for meget i de dage temperaturen var over frysepunktet.

  3. We sincerely hope this is not the new normal! Like Jörg wrote, Spitzbergen is the same, suffering from the warm weather and the rain and now after the slide even more.
    From your last post, I know you’re back to normal! 🙂
    Best regards to you from Norway.

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